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Schedule a scan

Configure a schedule to start scans in your network.

Updated over a year ago

Your Network Vulnerability Scanner will start scans based on a "schedule". This schedule can run daily, weekly or monthly and will start at a given time.

Create a schedule

Go to the "Schedules" page underneath "Vulnerability Management" in the Portal. You will see an overview of all current scans and a button called "Add schedule" in the right upper corner.

Screenshot 2024-01-12 at 11.03.12

Enable schedule

Default enabled. You can use this toggle to temporarily disable your schedule without deleting the schedule itself.

Schedule name

Enter a name to identify your scan later.

Minimum quality of Detection

Each vulnerability test has a certainty of its findings. You can use this setting to determine the minimum quality of a detection. The higher the number how more likely the vulnerability is present indeed. The lower the number, the higher the chance there is a false positive. We recommend the default setting: 70%.

Use SecurityHive external scanner

Use this toggle if you would like to use our external scanner platform. This setting is useful if you want to scan external targets without having to deploy a scanner appliance yourself.


Select the scanner you would like to execute the scan with.


Select the type of scan you would like to execute. We recommend Vulnerability Scan.

Which targets would you like to scan?

You can optimize scan speed with this setting. The faster option will only scan targets which respond to a ping/port scan. The slower option will always scan each target, even if they appear to be offline.

Authenticated scan

A default scan is unauthenticated, meaning it will scan vulnerabilities based on findings on the network. When you use an authenticated scan, the scanner will login on your devices using SSH, SMB or ESXi. It will locally scan for vulnerabilities which do not present themselves on the network.


Select the interval of the scan. Would you like to execute a scan Daily, Weekly or Monthly? We recommend a Daily scan for the best results and quick detection of vulnerabilities.

Start time

At which time would you like to start the scan? Enter a format in Hours:minutes (24 hours time).

It's possible the results of this scan will vary based on the entered start time. If you start a scan around 10:00 it's most likely the devices of employees will be scanned also (if you entered a range of targets). If you start a scan around 22:00, it isn't likely your employees are still at the office.


Enter the targets you would like to scan. It's possible to enter a single IP-address, an IP-range or a hostname. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported. It's also possible to add your website as a target to scan!


You may have some hosts which you want to exclude from a scan. You can enter them using the same format as normal Targets.

Starting the scan

Your Network Vulnerability Scanner will start scanning automatically based on your configured schedule. The scanner will start at the configured time by loading the latest information about vulnerabilities in it's memory. This takes about 5 minutes. When finished loading the latest information, the scan will be executed.

The duration of a scan vary a lot based on the scan type and the amount of targets/online hosts. When finished the results will be shown in the Portal at the "Vulnerabilities" page.

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