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Schedule an external scan

Learn how to start an external network vulnerability scan.

Updated over a year ago

Scheduling an external scan is mostly the same as a normal (internal) scan.

Create a schedule

Go to the Schedules page underneath Scanners in the Portal. You will see an overview of all current scans and a button called Add schedule in the right upper corner.


Click Use SecurityHive external scanner to use the external scanner platform. You're now able to select a scanner hosted by SecurityHive.

External scan information

Scanner details

SecurityHive hosts scanners to enable you to schedule external scans. You may see entries in your server logs pointing to our scanners.

Start time and progress

While it is possible to configure a start time for the scan to start, it may occur your scan starts a bit later. We try our best to start your scan on time, but this may depend based on the workload of the scanner platform. Scans will be put in a queue and start based on sequence. SecurityHive will add more scanners to the platform if queues will become too long.


It is strictly forbidden to scan targets which do not belong to you or your organization. You must have permission from the owner/organization of the targets you scan. We also advise you to inform your hosting-/networkprovider about possible vulnerability scans. Failing to comply can result in restriction of service or fines.

Firewall information

SecurityHive's External Scanner Platform uses static outbound IP addresses which you can add to the allowlist of your firewall. Adding these IP addresses ensures your targets can be scanned and the scanner won't get blocked.

Read our "Firewall info" help article to view the IP addresses of our External Scanner platform.

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