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Configure HTTP sensor

Get started with your HTTP sensor

Updated over a year ago

This sensor by default runs on port 80 + 443. This protocol allows the attacker to browse to your Honeypot and view pages/files uploaded to the web root folder of your Honeypot. At this moment it is not possibly to add your own files/pages, however it is on our roadmap and coming available soon.

Configure the HTTP sensor

By default the HTTP sensor is enabled and running on port 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS). To fully disable the sensor, click on the dropdown and select no. After clicking the save button it will take a maximum of 5 minutes before the sensor is disabled on your Honeypot. As mentioned, the HTTP sensor runs default on ports 80 and 443 because thats most commonly the default instance for web servers. It is however possible to change the port by specifying the specific port and clicking on the save button.

Enable HTTP
Enable or disable your sensor

Set your desired port for HTTP

SSL Port
Set your desired port for HTTPS

Maximum Request Size (in KB)
Set your desired maximum size for a web request in Kilobytes

Choose the desired running (fake) web server

Error Templates Enabled
Choose if you want to enable error templates (i.e. 404 erors)

Error page
Select the HTTP error response and go to Error message

Error message
Enter the desired error message you want to show for selected Error page and click on Add

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